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Spelling Homework
My Spelling Words:
Obtain spelling words from the current week of your class at: FrontPage by clicking on Lessons (first link) and the current week.
More Monday
Practice each of your spelling words by writing each word three times.
Terrible Tuesday
Mistaken Spelling Fun
Good spellers can write words different ways to find the right way. This fun practice helps you learn the many different ways “sounds” are spelled in English while helping you learn the correct pattern for each of your words.
Choose five different words (the base words are different) from your spelling list. Write each word correctly twice. Then write each word in as many different ways as it could be spelled phonetically, but isn’t. Box in the correct words. This exercise helps you learn all the possible spellings so you can learn to pick the correct one. Use a dictionary, if necessary.
exorsise exorsize exersighze
sertin sertun surtin scurtin
forsible forsable phorsable phorscabel ghorscible
ephishant uphishant eghitiant ephiciant
leef leiphe lleaphe ife leif
Wordy Wednesday
Practice getting to know your words.
1. Say each of your spelling words in parts. These do NOT need to be correct syllables.
Exercise ex er cise
Certain cer tain
Forcible forc I ble
Efficient e ffi cient
2. For each of twelve of your hardest words, do the following:
a. Write the word.
b. Say the word and count the word parts
c. Draw a line for each word part
d. Say the word again, and write each part as you say it.
e. Say the word again, writing it as one word as you say the parts.
f. Example:
a. Exercise
b. “ex” “er” “cise” 3
c. ex/er/cise
d. “exercise” ex er cise
e. “exercise” exercise
Thoughtful Thursday
Word Meanings
Today, learn the meanings of five different words from your spelling list. You will need a dictionary. If you don’t have a dictionary at home, go to study hall in the morning.
1. Choose five different words. (The base words are different.)
2. Write one of those words.
3. Look the word up in the dictionary.
4. Read what it means
5. Write what it means in your own words.
6. Draw a picture of what it means.
7. Repeat 2-6 for each of your five words.
a. First word chosen: “bandaged” (Base word: bandage)
b. Write one of the words: bandaged
c. Read the definition.
d. Write what it means in your own words:
A covering for an injury or sore

Are you ready for Friday’s test?
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