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Third Quarter Write 8

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 6 months ago

Write Grade 8 Lessons Quarter 3

Second Quarter

First Quarter Lessons








3/03 Spelling: Affixes


3/04 Spelling; MOTT/Essay work time


3/05 Spelling; MOTT/Essay work time; pages 3-4 “evidence” papers


3/06 Library for Yearbook

3/10 LID Day: No School


3/07 Spelling; MOTT/Essay work time; What would it be like to live in a drug-free community?


3/11 Spelling for Monday and Tuesday; MOTT/Essay work time





2/12 - 2/21

2/11  9-10 Project Work  with lessons; Entry (valentine similes); Dig Up Buried Stories


2/12 9-10 Project Work  with lessons; Entry (lost valentines) -- paragraphs with elaboration


2/13 Project Work  with lessons; Entry -- names--elaborate reasons; (10-11)

2/14 Valentine’s Party 2-3 pm


2/15 Project Work  with lessons; Intro to internet work


2/20 Project Work  with lessons; Entry (John Glenn -- elaborate again)  Introductions; Writing to learn; writing to respond


2/21 Project Work  with lessons; Conclusions





Historical Food Interview Essay

Write up friend’s interview

Eagle Projects: letter, broster, poem

Interview project reflection






2/4 2/5 2/6

Poetry prewrite, revise, peer conferences, revise, publish


2/4 Eagle Six-Pack Poetic Strategy

ordinary to Poetic language; Review Dead Verbs -- how to eliminate


2/4 and 2/5 revise/peer and teacher conferences with peer reflection sheet


2/6 Teacher conferences; Final drafts and sharing


2/7  MOTT Explanation (finish from 2/4


2/8  Project Work  with lessons -- Review of COS and CON; Explain new chocolate bar (with package)


2/11  Project Work


Lesson I-1 Authority List

Lesson I-4 Dig up buried stories



2/11  9-10 Project Work  with lessons; Entry (valentine similes); Dig Up Buried Stories


2/12 9-10 Project Work  with lessons; Entry (lost valentines) -- paragraphs with elaboration


2/13 Project Work  with lessons; Entry -- names--elaborate reasons; (10-11)

2/14 Valentine’s Party 2-3 pm


2/15 Project Work  with lessons; Intro to internet work


2/20 Project Work  with lessons; Entry (John Glenn -- elaborate again)  Introductions; Writing to learn; writing to respond


2/21 (9-10) DEAR; Research president; read Pres. Rap


2/22 Library and Pres Facts Research




Circle of Empowerment: Education, Language, Culture, Tradition. and the importance of pursuing an education for American Indian and Alaska Native students


2/25 and 2/26 and 2/27 Reading Text: discuss page 1; continue page 2; MOTT (DEAR)  Writing to learn; writing to respond


2/27-29  page 3 -- find evidence for answers; use quotes from text.



Library & Project Writing; Explain Dept Ed Indian writing contest


2/29  Work on page 3-4 evidence; DEAR; Reward for work


3/03 Spelling: Affixes




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